Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hm, really quick post, y'allzies.

I just realized something...
People need to stop worrying. I don´t like judging, much less being judged, as much as the next person. But sometimes you need to stop worrying. Stating how concerned you are or announcing how people judge too much isn`t gonna make your life any better. what is gonna make it better is simply appreciating yourself for as you are and appreciating the people who accept and love you. and forgetting the haters that don´t. That`s just how the world works. 
Because no matter what, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. ♥ 


I feel like being a hypocrite today and ranting.

O.hai. How's it hanging, biscuit?

Yay. I'm blogging instead of homework. Go procrastination! :D

I need to rant-backslash-be a hypocrite. I realized that the one thing I really do not like is people (preferably people who are in the grade below me *cough cough*) who think they're all that ORRRRRR go around looking for things to complain about. Two totally different dislikes, yes. But those are the two major things that bother me. For a first, I really don't think I'm all that, so I'm not being a hypocrite there. On the other hand, I don't go around purposefully looking for things to complain about either. I will admit that I do rant a lot. However, that's mainly because I hold things in for so long, so I simply have periodic outbursts.

Anywhoo, I really don't like self-centered people. Or, like, on Dailybooth and facebook, those 13 and 14 year old who are like "Oh look at my huge boobs, aren't I hot?" Really. No. Sweetie, you're naked. Nobody cares except for 51 year old creeps. And also, you don't have boobs. Just... stop. Disclaimer: I am NOT saying that ALL chilluns are like that, but the ones who are.... They just bother me sometimes. I wasn't like that 2 years ago. I didn't go around dressing like a slut and showing off my wooden board of a torso. That wasn't how I was raised. (Shout out to my girls who keep it CLASSY! :) ) Sorry, had to get my soul-sister shout-out out. :P I think the rest of this portion of the rant is pretty self-explanatory. I just don't like... yeah. ew.

Now where was I?...

Dear people who like to complain about EVERYTHING,
Stop. Thanks. I like to be optimistic, and it's not working when you're PISSING ME THE EFF OFF! Gosh Darn.
Love, Me

I hate that! You know those people who are all like, "My life sucks, nobody like me, I'm ugly." ALL THE TIME. Or those other people who like to think that EVERYTHING they do should gets recognition when 1) they already do and 2) a shitload of other people worked their asses off too. Like, no. Really. That's stupid. You're being annoying.
People just need to shut  up and enjoy life. Because you're sure as hell not gonna enjoy it if you're busy sulking over nothing at all.

End Rant.

This ended up being a lot shorter than I had in mind. But whatever.


Thursday, August 11, 2011


Guess what I'm gonna talk about today... MY BEST FRIEND! since I love her sooooooo much :) (like, I'm not being sarcastic; She is my best friend and I do love her.) 
Well, first off, she's kind of AMAZING! Like forreals, we've been through a lot lately, and we're still as close as pb&j.♥ 
But yeah, I just love this girl with a freaking burning passion. Which means I love her a lot. :) In fact, I am going to write her a small list describing how much I love her. :) 

Dear LMJ, 
I love you more than a fat kid loves cake. 
I love you more than a penguin loves his icicles. 
I love you more than Mr. Hughes loves his flutes. ;) 
I love you more than a cat loves cat nip. 
I love you more than dalmatian loves his spots. 
I love you more than a fire loves its oxygen. 

You're the peanut butter to my jelly. 
You're the Wonderbread to my sandwich. 
You're the best to my friend. 
You're the sidekick to my super hero. :) 
You're the Batman to my Robin. 
You're the little mini umbrella to my fancy tropical drink. 
You're the sand to my beach. 
You're the notes to my music. 
You're the beating to my heart. 

You are my other half.
I love you more than the ginger loves you, and I love you more than I love Eggr.
And I just thought I'd tell you. :) 

Also, I Love You 5; NeverShoutNever and Best Friend; Stephen Jerzak still describes our exact relationship. :) 

Did I mention that I love you? ♥ 

Hey, for all you other people who are reading this: 


P.S- I would've put all of our amazingly wonderful insiders on here, but I didn't want other people to feel left out. :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blogity, blog, blog.

I'm bored, so I am going to blog. Yay. 

I'm also lazy, so I'm not gonna change the font. Double yay! 

Le's seee.... what did I do today? Because obviously it ended up being interesting enough to share with the whole internet. (True story.) 

Well, I got to help out with the Obama campaign "house party". It turned out beautifully, my mom got to ask a question TO. THE. PRESIDENT! She's gonna change the world, I know it. :) Anyway, that was a lot of fun. Usually, I'm not too into politics, but this event was pretty alright; there was food and I didn't really have to do any "working". I just managed music and did a couple small chores, like bring water to people who were busy making phone calls. 

I believe the only downfalls about it were some of the people. There was this sevvie who kind of drove me up this wall, then there was a fellow gentleman who was volunteering who was kind of bossy (so they took me off the table because I almost died.). The third was pretty creepy.  It was this older guy, maybe 50s, who came up behind me while I was picking up water. Mind you, I was wearing a shirt that said "Democrats are sexy..." on the front and " Who ever heard of a nice piece of elephant?" on the back. I knew what the shirt was saying! I was not asking for anything! D: But this guy just decides to come up behind me and say, "I think you mean something else by that shirt." Yeah, no. -.- He was just really creepy. He tried talking to me like he knew me and everything. It was just really bad. Then, my mom told him to back off and it was alright. :) 

Right now I am experiencing an overload of dubstep. It's kind of FREAKING AMAZING! I still have one more CD to go that my friend burned me.  d*.*b I can't wait for newwww speakerrrrssssss!!! :D

So, yeah, I was planning on originally writing a super awesome and legit post, but that didn't really work. Maybe I will some other day. 


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hi! I like Harry Potter. And getting no sleep.

Sooo... Um, today I'm having a HP movie marathon (of only movies 2, 4, and 6) with one of my non-6LCF friends. It is much fun. ^.^ We started out with Avatar actually, and then we're gonna watch what we have of HP tonight. I am quite excited. Then tomorrow, we're going to see the 2nd part of HP7. :D 
Guess who's working off of 5 1/2 hours of sleep!!!!!! :D Definitely not Carrie. *Looks around guiltily.* I am soooo fidgety right now it's ridiculous. I cannot type for my life. *dies of hyperness* 

OMG IM SO HYPERERRRRERERERERERRRR!!! XD Yeah, never have 6 hour phone conversations. :P It does not always lead to enough sleep. -.- 



Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hi. I like Saturdays.

It's quite unfortunate, but today was technically my first day of summer. That's how busy I have been lately. I've either been out of town, at school (ew), or attending camp. You know what that means? Absolutely no free time, because when I'm not being busy, I'm catching up on sleep. I have been so tired lately, it's ridiculous. :(

However, today was much fun. :) (sorry, Facebook decided to distract me.) Anyways, my father decided to visit me today. We decided to go to the mall that was absolutely legendary when I was younger. It was amazing. But now it's in bankruptcy. >.< Well, I mean, it's still awesome now. :) Then, after the mall we went to Sonic. Mmmm, Sonic. It was my first time, and I love it! Best burger I've ever digested :P After we got home, we paid a visit to the people next door who are up from Florida. And ended up staying for 3 hours. And now I'm home. (Well, home as in my grandparents' house.)

And I'm really really tired. Sooo.... yeah.
